Cashless payment systems can help solve a lot of problems associated with handling cash. They deliver a fast and secure alternative to giving change and the headaches of managing large amounts of notes and coins. Shorter queues and happier customers are convincing many schools, colleges, universities, factories and hospitals to move with the times and follow the trend in new contactless smartcard technology now available from many banks by introducing similar systems within their own organisations
Would you like to eliminate cash from your operation
and increase your facility services?
Choose the solution that works hard for your business and think smart,
with Debitrak from experienced suppliers of
smartcard deployment in business and education.
Improved Cashflow as cash secured in advance of purchases
Reduced administration overheads
Increased revenue & customer loyalty
Charges involved in handling and transferring cash are avoided
Better control and improved efficiency
Less theft and vandalism
Faster transactions and shorter queues
Loads of useful data about your customers, what they are buying and when
How will your customers benefit from a Cashless Payment Solution?
Configured to match your Enterprise and Budget
Our innovative solution is scalable for any size of operation and offers a user friendly cashless payment scheme on the same card or used for a wide range of other services
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